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Our Vision

Our Core Beliefs

We Heal

Lead From The Heart

Love truly does conquer all, for it vanquishes Anger & Hate from the source itself.

Connect To The Limitless Source

To always know that we receive and share unconditionally, never separate, always whole.

Absorb The Light

In its most fullest and benevolent form, the Source appears in all worlds as Light!

Born Through Healing Action

The devout, the devotee and the disciple all are led by knowledge and wisdom.

Showered By The Guru

The Spiritual Master, our Guide through and in the Light, embraces us completely.

Known Only Through Truth

Tuning and attuning all our senses to the truth we cleanse our body, mind, spirit and soul.

Is Not Ours To Give

The Divine, the Light and the Guru forgive, we simply realise we are channels of the Light!

Is Born Of Humility

Affirming and knowing that ``I am not the controller, nor doer, I serve the Light!``

The Soul Seeks

The quest of the seeker is to find its way back home, to the Source, the Light, the Divine.

Realise & Experience The Oneness

To ultimately & fully know that the separation was an illusion of the ego. There exists only the One-Oneness.

Our vision-Curiosity-Renooji and Divvya Nirula
The First And Foremost Beginning

All Seekers and Healers begin here, for they ask, seek and quest for the touch and taste of the Light.

Gifts From The Heart Of The Guru

The lineage and the source come together to offer the blessings and the bounty. The Healer accepts and heals.