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Absorb The Light

In its most fullest and benevolent form, the Source appears in all worlds as Light!

Like-Attracts-Like is the cornerstone of Satisfaction and Dis-Satisfaction! As you move in the material and spiritual realms there are grand opportunities to manifest in and through the light. Continue to heal, share and absorb the energies so, be sure that the feelings being activated are of joy and bliss. As you resonate with these two states there is happiness activated and deep satisfaction instilled.

Be aware and alert to stay away from criticism and complaint as they activate dis-satisfaction. To further root yourself in the energies of satisfaction and to stay away from dis-satisfaction energise yourself. How? Through the Earth Element. Sit in the garden or a park, hug a tree or eat fruits and vegetables. All these further strengthen your connection to the light of Mother Nature.

Your healed and healing actions and thoughts of your day-to-day formulate landscapes of generosity. This further strengthens the connection you have to the light and the download of satisfaction is complete. There are many opportunities that will present themselves in your life that will try and distract you from the healing action. So, how do you stay focussed ? By always nurturing and nourishing your Attitude Of Gratitude.

The Source is limitless. Taking the soul-self and the healer-within beyond infinity. It is in this infinite space of the healing light that the truest nature of the self, the healer and the light come together. One of these realms is the Realms of Satisfaction. Here the critical mind is silenced and the mind meditating on the Divine and the Light expand. There is a true sense of belonging and wholeness that accompanies the healer on this journey. Know that the healer is You!

Absorb the satisfaction in your Crown Chakra (at the top of your head) as you connect to the healing modalities of Reiki, KQ and/or My Golden Cloud and channel it from your Heart Chakra. Downloading and sharing the gifts of satisfaction – be it contentment, fulfilment, completion, wellness, goodness and kindness as you heal daily.