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Known Only Through Truth

Tuning and attuning all our senses to the truth we cleanse our body, mind, spirit and soul.

Purity is not a test. We cannot emphasise that enough. It is not manifest in bodies and cultures, nor is it found in labs and science. Purity, or rather that which is “pure” is known only through “truht”. So, what is truth and what is pure? In this context the former is the ladder we must climb, and the latter is the summit. We often define pure as that which is untainted, uncorrupted or non-contaminated. But there is a flaw in our material mind. We believe falsely, that all that is pure can be tainted, can be corrupted and contaminated. However, the spiritual seeker and healer knows that this is not true. By its very nature, the pure stays pure. No act or idea can transform it into the negative. Purity is eternally positive, for it is the Light!

So, the truth as the ladder is the process of the body, the mind, the spirit and the soul coming to this consensus that the pure light we channel is the goal. And we reach it everyday, every minute, every hour and every second we bathe in the light. Purifying ourselves of our negative emotions, thoughts, actions and deeds. And as we heal we awaken to the reality that the truth is beyond this body and its needs and wants. Whilst simultaneously recognising that we must complete our duties and responsibilities to the body. But the joy is we can bring the light to all our material activities. And of course to our spiritual activities as well. Purifying everything and everyone in the process.

Bring these realisations into your awareness as you heal daily. Look away from your material pursuits for just a brief while daily and attune yourself to be part and parcel of the light. In this body, this time, this place and this circumstance tune yourself into the frequency of the truth and the purity.