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Realise & Experience The Oneness

To ultimately & fully know that the separation was an illusion of the ego. There exists only the One-Oneness.

If enlightenment is experiencing and touching the One-Oneness. What is the One and the Oneness!?

Before we answer this two-part question, it is very important to highlight that each individual, each human is walking a step closer to enlightenment. Yes they are. It may not seem like it. Especially for those who may be trapped in addictions, or lives of crime. But believe us, they too are one step closer to enlightenment. It may not happen right this minute, or in the next hour, day, week or year. But it will manifest itself. Sometimes through Divine Intervention and at other times through the soul’s seeking. In this life or the next, the enlightenment is not just for the chosen few. It’s for everyone, sans exception.

What is the One and the Oneness!?