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Connect To The Limitless Source

To always know that we receive and share unconditionally, never separate, always whole.

The whole of the parts of the self that are scattered come together when we participate in compassion filled acts. What are they? They begin with a kind thought, a king word and finally a kind action. Think of it lie this. A friend of yours has come to visit you and you had prepared a meal for yourself. What is your response? Are you willing to share this meal with the other, or pretend like you haven’t cooked. When you are spontaneously willing to share with the other – that is compassion. There is no divisive thought that this is mine and not theirs.

Yes, there will be many a times when you will feel that possessiveness and that unwillingness to share. Heal it. That is why we are on the spiritual path. Seeking the light, not only for the self but to share with others as well. Navigate your relationships and interactions in the material realms with the knowing that you are fully spiritually satisfied. And move forward fuelled by compassion.

Another way to understand practically the manifestation of Compassion in yourself and the world around you is when there will be no friend v/s foe. Mine v/s Theirs. No Us and Them. This is tough, almost near impossible if we look at the world history and the present war-like situations. However, you can change this in your own internal dialogue. As you heal you move more into the mentality of ” All Is One” and move away from the forced illusory reality that “All Are Separate”. COMPASSION flows freely once you recognise this and apply it in your own life. Do so now by being committed and dedicated to your healing practice. Know it is a service, a seva that you perform for the Guru, the Light, the Divine and for all beings everywhere.

Once activated, the compassion is limitless. It unbinds you and all around you. There is a freedom with it that is beyond the material limitations. Each time you connect to compassion you flow with the Divine energy, knowing you are immortal. Here in this body, this time to do the work of the light and heal your own karmic patterns. Ultimately flow with compassion for yourself!