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Showered By The Guru

The Spiritual Master, our Guide through and in the Light, embraces us completely.

The Grace is the Guru and the Guru is the Grace. Let’s unpack this. For those of you familiar with the healing modality of My Golden Cloud, as seen downloaded and shared by Renooji. There is no doubt in your mind what G.R.A.C.E. stands for. As an acronym in this healing lineage it expands to mean Grand Realms Accessed Continuously (for) Enlightenment.

Thereby we can conclude that the Guru bestows upon us the Grace that then takes us on this path to Enlightenment. Simply put, the Grace is the healing light showered upon us by the Guru. Activating our 3rd Eye Chakra, opening our Heart Chakra and removing all blocks and barriers from our Crown Chakras so the light descends un-interrupted. The Guru manifests in the material world to assist our travel into the spiritual world.

Experience The Grace

When we experience Grace we are embraced whole-heartedly, without reservations or judgements. Now that sounds near impossible as we all judge and have personal reservations. The Guru does not, the Light doesn’t work like that and the Divine definitely does not. It is our own limiting beliefs and fears that keep us away from the Grace.

We don’t need others to judge us and cast us in a negative light we often do that to ourselves. This is why we invite you to embrace the light and be embraced by it in return. Connecting to the heart centre of all love for one and all.

As we go about our daily chores and tasks, channeling the healing light to all that we face and all that faces us, the grace flows. Yes, we receive it, but it also can be shared and transmitted through the act of healing. So, connect to your spiritual empowerments daily, activating the download of the Grace – from the Guru’s Heart, to Your Heart, to the Healee’s Heart.