Reiki Chakras And Significance by Renooji_Ears Chakra

28 Reiki Chakras and their Significance – THE EARS

Connect to the Ears Chakra. It is from here that the sounds of the universe enter our material consciousness.

REIKI is a Universal Life Force Energy and is a healing modality, which was rediscovered by Dr.Mikao Usui, in Japan approximately in the late-1800s.

What is written here is for the purpose of sharing spiritual knowledge and is aimed at benefiting all Reiki Healers and Practitioners in their daily-healing-practice.

Renooji is a Clairvoyant and Healer. She affirms these energy-recordings made by her are from her personal experience over the last 29 plus years. As she has journeyed with the healing light of Reiki and continues to heal and empower others. Activating their healer within!

Connect to the Ears Chakra. It is from here that the sounds of the universe enter our material consciousness. The very same sounds our physical ears cannot hear, but can only feel and sense.

Further Knowledge Shared By Renooji

Absorb these sounds. Work with them by healing here. For some, these sounds are a concept, for others a reality, even complex and techni coloured. Heal here, and activate the ability to distinguish the negative from the spiritual source-sound. Allowing the heightened consciousness to only receive the beneficial sounds. How can we achieve this? This will automatically happen when our daily-practice of healing is consistent – one day at a time.