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Is Born Of Humility

Affirming and knowing that “I am not the controller, nor doer, I serve the Light!

Surrender is knowing that you are not the source. To truly know, in every atom of your being that you are not controlling others, nor are you responsible for what others do or don’t do. You are responsible for You! When you can understand that – not just intellectually or philosophically, but truly in your everyday. Then you would have tapped into surrender.

Bend don’t break, sway with the wind, move like the river that meanders around the boulder, are all peppered phrases in the english language that are aimed to inspire humility and malleability in our mind and behaviours. But what is the purpose of humility? In material nature it is to recognise that force which is greater than you, that can destroy you and to adjust your thoughts and actions accordingly. In spiritual terms, humility is knowing that your do not need to lead with aggression or power, because you are not the source, but you are from it.

Once you surrender to this knowing, both in the material world and in the spiritual realms you don’t need to bend, sway, or meander. You are so very empowered to cut through the wind, the water, the earth, the fire and the sky. Nothing and no one can stop the light from flowing. So, if you are one with the light nothing can stop you from flowing. So, cut through the darkness and move with the light, completely surrendered.