28 Reiki Chakras and their Significance – The 3rd Eye
The 3rd Eye is a centre of all knowledge, wisdom and intuition.
Shared here are the energy workings and significance of one of the main 28 Reiki Chakras – THE 3RD EYES. All in all, in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition there are 31 Reiki Positions, and 33 Reiki Positions under the initiation of Master Renooji.
REIKI is a Universal Life Force Energy and is a healing modality, which was rediscovered by Dr.Mikao Usui, in Japan approximately in the late-1800s.
What is written here is for the purpose of sharing spiritual knowledge and is aimed at benefitting all Reiki Healers and Practitioners in their daily-healing-practice.
Renooji is a Clairvoyant and Healer. She affirms these energy-recordings made by her are from her personal experience over the last 29 plus years. As she has journeyed with the healing light of Reiki and continues to heal and empower others. Activating their healer within!
The 3rd Eye is a centre of all knowledge, wisdom and intuition. Deeply connected to the Eyes Chakra, heal both together. But, it is here – the 3rd Eye, that we are able to unravel our past, present and future. Our centre-of-being resides here.
Completely untouched by contamination, this chakra is sacred. Furthermore, allowing one to remain centred in the healing work, this chakra spotlights our consciousness.
Further Knowledge Shared by Renooji
It is important to always remember that worshipping the Divine, the eternal source of all sources and the Universe around us is necessary. Why?
Worship at its core is living with an attitude-of-gratitude. In order for us to understand our true purpose in this realm and beyond, we must first begin with humility. Then and only then can we reconnect to our knowledge that we are Divine eternal beings.
Read more and Explore The Healing Path, Who is Renooji and What is Reiki. Explore the 28 Reiki Chakras and their Significance. Connect to and resonate with the energies of Empowerment and Purity for all beings.