Pay Attention
Wishing all of you a great 2025…. HAPPY NEW CONVERSATIONS !
“Visualise in front of you the person with whom you want to communicate this message to. See this person in your mind’s eye ( Third Eye Chakra) exactly as you remember them. Consider now that they are receiving your love and healing and are more receptive and listening to your message.”
“When the universe begins to converse with us, we must pay attention and listen carefully. The request for the moment is to complete the tasks at hand and begin to converse from the heart with the universe.
There has to be a delicate balance between what we heard, and what we are doing and how we are doing things by responding to the stimulus. We have to be fully aware that we have to respond with intellect, wisdom and gratitude.
Thus taking the time to look after the self and others around us. Looking in requires great healing strength and courage . Nothing less than a complete shift in our attitude to life and the mundane. We often even think about the patterns of heart consciousness and the combination of our ego self in collaborative union with our mind, teaching us to be courageous.
We have to remove all that which stops us from finding our true self. Experience the union with the self on this most illuminating day of Lohri, when our soul is dancing in joy with nature, celebrating the ring of fire.
Taking knowledge from the illumination and giving back the golden pearls of grace to the world.
Let’s celebrate together
Healing hugs of deep receptivity. Love from the heart of the giving and receiving. “
“Affirm more openly that you are spiritually sharing , honestly and willingly with respect and gratitude with one and all.”

Today you must meditate pay attention and heal. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.