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Lead From The Heart

Love truly does conquer all, for it vanquishes Anger & Hate from the source itself.

Love Me! Love me cries every pore and cell of our body, our heart, our spirit and our soul. Our mind on the other hand watches and evaluates, at times calculative, at other times critical and manipulative. The mind urges us to experience this love through our senses. In turn, over time, we become so dependent and blind to the trap the senses have laid for us. It is the delight, the wonder and the instant gratification that one experiences through the senses. It is this that becomes addictive and we chase it, mistaking it for love.

And so, in this life, through the material body and all matter around us, we focus our search for gaining pleasure and determinedly avoiding pain. However, how are we to know that they both must travel with us side by side. With every step we take our free will guides us to question, explore and yes even doubt. Doubt the senses even. It is this doubt that leads us to go beyond our material senses.

Our five sense of – touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight – are our material navigators on this journey we take from birth to death. But, can we transform them to take us from knowledge to wisdom. From the material to the spiritual? Yes! Once touched by the healing light and the light of love the heart awakens the senses to their spiritual navigational purpose.

Touch leads us to feeling. Taste leads us to the truth. Smell leads us to recognition and discernment. Hearing transforms into the ability to listen and act with wisdom. And finally, sight turns to true vision. The senses now awakened to their true reality are no longer serving pleasure and pain. With the light of love, with the healing presence, LOVE flows and the soul recognises what the body feared. That yes, the material senses and the body will decay, be touched by disease and finally death for it was born. But the senses say – feel, taste, recognise, listen and see clearly the true nature of your immortality.

Once acknowledged without doubt, the soul in its immortal journey plants itself in the ocean of unconditional love, which is the healing. Thus empowered, the body is fearless in the face of its own mortality for it knows now, that it is beyond the body, It is pure love!