Message Of The Day The Great Upliftment
magical__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

The Great Upliftment

“Our mission in the year ahead is to find inner upliftment and resplendent in the light, live on, to create a majestic presence that heals everything and anything.”


“Today spirituality has become a very distinct aspect of human life and many souls on Planet Earth are fully pursuing healing for the self. The people the world over
recognise that seekers the world over are looking for a deeper connect with a higher
power, a divine source or a sense of a deeper consciousness that links them to a
unique universe full of light.

The key principle to healing is that we are all connected
to a higher source, we are not alone and we are all here together for a higher
purpose. Healing becomes a powerful source of comfort and togetherness that helps healers to bond together. Connecting with the higher power brings everyone solace and the healing power to explore healing pathways for the problems and challenges that life brings our way. It is a deeply personal and transformative experience to heal all and awaken further to explore the journey to the universe of light and love.

Meditation, prayer, mindfulness and chanting becomes a part of the spiritual journey.
The healer practicing and simultaneously exploring the hidden messages within.
Uplift the veil of ignorance and stay connected to the light of love.

Healing hugs of great upliftment. Love from the oceans of uplifting light.”


“Are fully breathing in the vibrational harmonics and delivering the light to one and all in the now. Stay in this moment. Chant ‘OM’ three times and receive the light in your spine.”

Connect to the light that is the great upliftment. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.