Message Of The Day River Of Golden Light
healing_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

River Of Golden Light

“We are always connecting to the river of golden light flowing through the consciousness of the world and activating the pillar of light upon us, filled with gifts of auspiciousness for all souls in this world. Participate in this moment and share with others. In complete gratefulness.”

As we prepare for this month of looking at our own level of gratefulness and approaching gratitude from different aspects of our life, let’s ask ourselves some questions.

1) Have I learnt how to love those close to me in a better way?

2) Have I learnt that my title, my position, my financial value is not as important as my presence and my emotional support towards others?

3) Have I learnt that my body is only a vessel for my soul?

4) Have I understood that I have to heal the pain and suffering of those around me?

5) Have I learnt that with courage I blaze the path for those who come after me?

Once we know that suffering is inevitable, we don’t have control but we are fully equipped to heal it all in gratefulness making us who we are meant to be. The first thing that we have to celebrate is our destiny that takes us through the rivulets and corridors of light.

Healing hugs of starlight filling our aura with brightness. Love from the twinkling light empowering all the individuals of this world.”

Renooji/ Divvya
“Stay happy with your family and friends with a wish for success, happiness and joy for all of them.”

As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again. Flow in the River of Golden Light.