Message Of The Day Realm Of The Pinkish Golden Light
renunciation__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Realm Of The Pinkish Golden Light


Believe in yourself. Just be honest with yourself and your loved ones! Stay ahead of the light and stay strong with the healing practice. “

Heal 2024

Stay in the realm of the pinkish golden light, anointing your crown chakra and helping you download the highest potential of healing grace flowing through your life experiences. It is of utmost importance to connect to the heart of hearts and leave no stone unturned to connect your soul/ spiritual self to the descending light and remain in the heart. Make an agreement with yourself today that you will remain connected to the heart filled with compassion to guide you through your spiritual journey forward. See yourself stabilising a good consciousness for the path ahead. Establishing freedom, continuity, awareness, love and compassion for the journey ahead . Know that you are grateful for this journey and you are slowly moving towards healing your heart so that you are more filled with happiness and joy.
“ I release all judgement, I accept myself and others as I let go of judgement and pain and in the process  re-establish my compassionate loving heart, supporting me in healing all that surrounds me. Listening to all within, I receive the knowledge, and heal, I move ahead with the light of love”.

Healing hugs of inner soul awareness and happiness . Love from the heart of new consciousness to the real self. “

“Be in the golden light flowing through your heart and your spine and know that the sustenance and the sustainability of grace ; both come from the act of healing with conviction and gratefulness.”

Stay in the realm of the pinkish golden light,  As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.