Message Of The Day Meditate On Healing!
limitless__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Meditate On Healing!

“Meditate On: Healing!

Causeless mercy and the desires of the inner heart willingly healing!

The Divine is known as the ocean of causeless mercy. Our soul needs to surrender before HIM before we are open to receiving the blessings.

“We are creators and we are always creating our destiny through the work that we do by bringing healing into our lives; which is leaving us empowered by the light through our desires, thoughts, words and actions.

Everything that we do is a creative act. So our choices are by us consciously doing things or they are based on previous programming or karmic consequences.

There are three creative components to our healing connection. The first and foremost is our desire to heal, to love, to be compassionate.

Healing is a thirst that is leading us to look outside of our needs and searching within the heart, unearthing the power of the true light. The Grace flowing unconditionally to connect us to something bigger than ourself.

The second is our will to engage in the act of healing through a willing heart with deep desire and free will choice.

The third is of course  our intention. The big picture of what we want to manifest and heal in our life. The desire, the choice and the deed in unity with the intention bring us to a place of deep satisfaction.

Continue to heal with sufficiency and gratitude.

Healing hugs of resplendent divine intervention. Love from the zones of rapture and tranquil peace. “

“Just be patient and know that you are in service to the Divine and you are spreading the golden light in this moment , slowly moving forward towards the golden doorway. Open the door to this light of wellness , shrugging the darkness within.”

Meditate On Healing. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.