Message Of The Day Healing Force
healing_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Healing Force


Introspect and accept.

Healing is always in the now. We all co create our world. We need to understand the story of our desires. Why do we want what we want? Does it come from the desire to do for others or to satisfy our own needs.”

“When we get connected to the healing force from the material and the spiritual realms, we create situations , events, opportunities that enable us to heal more , and thus in the process we begin to change our perspectives.

We begin to explore all the views, ideas, creative thoughts, plans and projections .

In the healing action we are healing all our physiological, psychological, emotional, physical and mental imbalances that manifest in the human race. In recent times researchers have found that healing has a direct positive impact on all aspects of human life.

When we heal, we are healing even past life karma that we bring down with us through our lineage, our actions and our thoughts. We are healing to change our state of being for the better, encouraging the powerful healing energies to flow through us to heal not only us but the entire surroundings in creation .

Naturally healing all in nature within the human and the spiritual realms.

Just wait and restore your energies as you dive deeper into the light.

Healing hugs of co creating our reality. Love from the zones of consistent expressions of the healing realms.”

Renooji/ Divvya
“Once we understand our own story, we develop meaning in our life and healing others we move ahead. Our world view and our value system keep us healing all that we see, touch, hear, smell and taste.”

Healing Force. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.