Message Of The Day Heart To Healing All
humble__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Heart To Healing All

The Retreat Begins!

Meditations on the Self.

“There should not be a thought or emotion to disturb what we are seeing, only an open heart to healing all.

All that we are seeing must awaken in us an interest and an awareness to totally heal on and our healing should be effortless. We must pay attention, simply attracting more healing for all that needs the healing.

We must live well and heal even more diligently as there is nothing more to do in life, except open the heart, with real interest in healing, without judgement. Our acceptance for the healing light must be unconditional with a quality of benevolence, friendliness and meditative universal consciousness.

To heal all the known and unknown things is simply an action of an awakened healer, and what is that but spiritual?

Healing hugs of welcoming love. Love from the ocean of spiritual talk.”


Navel Chakra
1. “The universe is putting exactly what I need in my path.”
2. “Negative situations are lessons in disguise, and I heal them all.”
3. “The universe gives me signs to walk on the right track.”

As we awaken to the reality of our soul consciousness, the findings of the science fraternity bringing us closer to the body and brain conjoining with the healing to bulletproof our selves and our life from all future negative attacks. Just connect to your life in the now and live this day well.

Heart to healing all. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.