Message Of The Day Free Of The False Ego Self
engaged in the healing__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Free Of The False Ego Self

This month is filled with the pure light.

“The choices we make in our material and spiritual heart are those that take us to new fields of awareness. It is here that we recognise the patterns of negative actions and consequences which are constantly occurring in this journey of life .
We heal , hence we know and we state.
“I am powerless over my repetitive behaviour , but I heal to make my life manageable and it becomes perfect and full of divine love, and thus it helps me free myself from the bondage of all that I have created”.

“Lifetimes of ignorance has brought us to this healing point  so  that we can be free of the false ego self.

So long as we have recognised the ego self and healed it  sufficiently, we know that we are moving away from the suffering and the suffocation of being trapped.

The greatest triumph is to heal gallantly and without expectations, and to believe that every one’s best interest is also our best interest. We begin to identify with the light and know that the survival of our healing self is the most important.

We have to awaken to the presence of the light and healing all around us, cherish the beauty of the golden pearls .

The self and the soul consciousness combining to create a spiritual nectarean light that touches the hearts of all the souls. It is important to remember that the highest understanding is that we are not the healer, the light is the real healer.

The way to discover the true meaning of life is not to think that you are truly healing but that you are devoted to making the healing light available for one and all.

Healing hugs of the deepest gratitude. Love from the intimate sacred space. “

As we bring the inner journey to a close, we gather all that we have learned and we bring back into our awareness the joy of healing for now and forever.

Free of the false ego self. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.