Message Of The Day Relationship With Ourself
02 Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya heart

Relationship With Ourself

Meditate on the Self!

“The template of the soul and its journey into the light brings us to the edge of the material with the spiritual nature. Connecting us to a space of deep contemplation and lasting change. Let us reflect on what we can change about ourself.”

“We are always engaging with our thoughts and reviewing our relationship with ourself.

We think about the past obsessively and many times negatively, even when we know fully well that we cannot change the past.

We continue to stew in the conversations with ourselves, resent the behaviour of others, and we form a habit to relive events again and again.

Always finding new things to resent or feel negative about. When we get connected to healing and meditation, we begin to become aware of what the events and situations were really bringing.

Maybe life lessons to accentuate our spiritual nature.

Helping us set up new patterns of like ability and thus building patience for a higher understanding, where we can connect to the beauty of life and karma coexisting to support our life choices.

When we heal ; our inner voice begins to replay the sound of positive thought and finding the ability to harness the power of the light.

Healing helps us to grow spiritually and heal more than anything we have ever done before.

Healing hugs full of love and compassion. Love from the light district of karma and rebirth”

“At present our body is undoubtedly the centre of our whole universe. We associate it with our self and our ego self. Let’s pledge to truly understand our limited time on Earth and heal all.”

Today you must meditate and heal to relationship with ourself and move ahead with the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.