“Meditation. – Universal”
“The construction of the universal realm of spiritual empowerment brings joy and helps us connect to the universe of illumination. All the healing light is right now helping you to surrender to healing.
The golden light is spreading like a river of golden dots around you and it begins now to cover you with dots of golden light, and know that you are in the golden spotlight. It is the spiritual path of self healing that leads us in recognising that the universal light is descending into our crown chakra right now to help us heal.
Observe the various energies playing and entering into your mind and heart, and slowly see the golden dots infusing into your thoughts and emotions.
Covering situations and events, even doubts and fears, healing them all in the moment. The river spreads through your home and work place, healing all the thought and emotion bodies, restoring happiness and joy.
Stay with gratitude and know that the healing continues.
Healing hugs full of polka dots of rainbow colours. Love from the universal realms of light.”
“The chakra of light under your feet.
The chakra of six points of light over your head.
Engage with these chakras to benefit your heart desires and heart consciousness. See love and the golden light everywhere.”

Today as you meditate on Meditation. – Universal, as you move ahead with healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.