Deeper Treasure
The power of now!
“ MINUTELY “…………
“When we look at the life we are all living, know that there is a strengthening and unfolding of a deeper treasure of the light in our hearts.
This wakefulness can be examined minutely to discover that our greatest friend is the light in our heart. We are all always questioning and minutely investigating that is it true that something boundless and infinitely spacious is behind the appearance of all souls? What a beautiful and what a healing mystery it is.
That we can heal with every breath, filling the heart of one and all with the golden pearls of grace and wisdom. Contemplating and fearlessly moving to change the world . When we come face to face with the light of healing the self and all the others, we become immensely grateful.
Filling the heart with joy , with the truth of unending healing, prayers and love, we must minutely look at the choices we make.
As healing happens, we catch ourselves healing repeatedly with glowing glimpses of our soul self rejoicing in the now.
Healing hugs of unity with the presence of purity and glamour in the now. Love from the Heart of Radiance.”
“Generous is the universe.
Loving is the heart.
Precious is the breath.
Beautiful is this life.
Acknowledge we must , this moment.”

Today as you meditate the healing transforms your deeper treasure and your life. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.