Healing Journey And Consciousness
My Healing Journey
Think back to the first day you interacted with or experienced the healing light. Perhaps you visited us at The Midnight Galaxy – or then you signed up for distance healing. Some of you may even have experienced the healing light through our early morning Let’s Heal Sessions. For others the experience with the light that comes to your minds and hearts is the day of your initiations. Be it in the healing modalities of Reiki, KQ and My Golden Cloud. Whatever memory that comes up for you in the here and now is ofcourse valid and cherished, but know this – your journey with the healing light and us has been across lifetimes. Read that again. Heal in this consciousness and unlock the infinite blessings and treasures that are yours. And always – share them forward with one and all.
My Healing Consciousness
Many of you have the “My Healing Consciousness Methods” Book written and published by Divvya and me. It is a one stop resource for all healers to have easy access to the chants, prayers and methods of the three sacred healing modalities we empower you with. Namely – Reiki, KQ and My Golden Cloud. This book is a best friend on your healing journey. Inspiring you, reminding you and assisting you in your daily healing practice. Through the self practice of healing your awareness attunes itself to the Light, the guidance and words of the Guru and Divine Will. When your words, actions, thoughts, emotions and deeds align with these three you know you are in your Healing Consciousness.