"I am exactly at the right place to recognize and accept my responsibilities, my plans and healing becomes my constant companion."
“I am exactly at the right place to recognize and accept my responsibilities, my plans and healing becomes my constant companion.”
Today’s Renooji’s Affirmation for – ‘Mantra For The Day’ re-affirms to the healer within that yes, you are in the right place. This birth, this time and all your actions are placed perfectly in alignment with your karma. Know this and heal forth. Connect to this affirmation and chant it aloud or recite it internally. Come back to this affirmation whenever needed. This empowered affirmation is a guide, a friend and a collaborator in your daily healing practice. Continue to chant – internally or aloud, in cycles of 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 21, or 108. Stay in this consciousness that you are in the right place and channel the light.
The number of times we chant a mantra or an affirmation connects us to different spiritual access points of energy. Read How Many Times You Should Chant An Affirmation? to know more. As you go deeper into your personal spiritual practice work with a Renooji’s Affirmation from our Mantra For The Day Archives.
This Renooji’s Affirmation is a great reminder to the healer that – ‘Yes, I am in the right place!’. Platinum. Light Waters is a great companion to this ‘Mantra For The Day’ in your healing practice. Explore the many affirmation and mantra tools shared within the pages of this site. Gather them for your personal spiritual practice. Stay with these sacred and empowered words. Let them guide and assist you in your healing journey ahead.