Activating Light
“We are always connecting to the river of golden light flowing through the consciousness of the world and activating the pillar of light upon us, filled with gifts of auspiciousness for all souls in this world. Participate in this moment and share with others and always be grateful for this life.”
“The best way to manifest your destiny of happiness is to be grateful, generous and completely giving. As one moves ahead with the light of love we all align and we become incredibly powerful in our actions. So, to bring forth the greatest results as we walk ahead with humility in our heart we must share more.
There is an inclination in this alignment to look into the law of the universe to attract the goodness and spread it to others. This manifestation of our spiritual nature is always spontaneous when it comes to sharing with others. We are worthy recipients of the light and the selfless sense of togetherness, within the healing framework brings us joy. It is where the gratitude within us can have a profound and positive impact on others. We experience the benefits of sharing the minute we channel the healing light to others.
Continuous healing has a greater impact on us and our soul selves over time. The healing we practice today, brings beneficial imprints on our soul in the near future. I hear this question often that, “how can I be grateful when I am not happy with my life?”
The thing is gratitude is about the feeling, not about how big or small is the situation for which we have to be grateful. Stay grateful and heal on.
Healing hugs of starlight filling our aura with brightness. Love from the twinkling light empowering all the individuals of this world.”
“Stay happy with your family and friends with a wish for success, happiness and joy for all of them.”

Activating the light the Guru’s heart calls to ours to heal more. explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again. And heal the stress ridden mind.