Auspiciousness Shared
“We are always connecting to the river of golden light flowing through the consciousness of the world and activating the pillar of light upon us, filled with gifts of auspiciousness for all souls in this world. Participate in this moment and share with others.”
“When we are healing with a heart full of compassion, then we are opening ourselves to a higher power level with harmonised vibrations of good health and wealth. Tuning into higher frequencies like love, acceptance, abundance, gratitude, we begin to change and look for even higher frequencies of light and love. Sharing the energies becomes a mission of the heart, and we are truly blessed when there is abundant reciprocation. Gratitude is an emotional state that facilitates the key to open the door to wellness and greater understanding. The light enables us to energetically understand gratitude and in the process open more doors to wellness and stability.
Our energetic vibrations remain at the frequency levels of grace and healing all, we continue to receive. Enjoying this journey called life, we heal, here and there.
Healing hugs of starlight filling our aura with brightness. Love from the twinkling light empowering all the individuals of this world.”
“Stay happy with your family and friends with a wish for success, happiness and joy for all of them.”

As we heal the auspiciousness shared expands into infinity and beyond! Explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again. Remember that you always channel and live in the great light.