Away From Delusion
“When one is connected to healing then one is moving away from delusion.
It is better to stay away from all negative karmic actions with a view and mind towards freeing one’s self completely and ultimately from the illusions of the mind and the heart. We must first prepare ourselves spiritually and emotionally to heal all the souls and soul karma’s in our environment.
Tantra and raising the kundalini artificially is a dangerous practice. When one is truly obsessed with trying new things and speedy results, we end up being caught is these aberrations.
In consequence many spiritual practitioners fall from spiritual grace. If one is caught in these delusions,people cannot escape.
As the ego self is very important for the practitioner , It is difficult to renounce the actions. It is best to stay out of it and heal in safely.
We need to save the self.
Final destination is the inner spiritual realms.
Healing hugs of brightness. Love from the cleansing river of light.”
“BACK HEART CHAKRA- the cascading descent of the platinum light gently enters to awaken the soul to compassion, and as the eyes awaken to gaze, the expression of the soul is one to help everyone to attain enlightenment and liberation.”

Visualise the away from delusion as you meditate and heal. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.