Become More Positive
“The most important factor in our life is to become more positive about life experiences and move with love in the heart to completely communicate and understand our world in time.
The shifting and precarious nature of the passage of time leaves us bewildered. Yet, time becomes the source of many opportunities for liberation. We can turn many moments to our advantage by being punctual .
All we have to do is to remember one instruction, one positive thought to spring to our mind. That one instruction or teaching that will help us save a moment in time and use it for important things . A deep healing connection with the mind and the body working together in this direction to augment the spiritual practice further before time runs out.
This alone can free us and give us more time to do what we want to do. Just by remembering, we can transform all.
Healing hugs of liberation. Love from the zones of repeated actions in time.”
“Chakras- crown/ higher crown/ highest crown need to be healed today.
Affirm”I clearly see my important responsibilities and act responsibly in time.”
Repeat 3 times.”

Today you must meditate and heal to become more positive and move ahead with the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.