Message Of The Day Begin With Healing
love_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Begin With Healing

Meditate on the Self!

“The template of the soul and its journey into the light brings us to the edge of the material with the spiritual nature. Connecting us to a space of deep contemplation and lasting change. Let us reflect on what we can change about ourself.”

“When we begin our healing journey we always begin with healing something specific.

We acknowledge the event or situation that we are thinking about and wanting to heal.

We have to look at life with curiosity and interest, cultivating compassion and equanimity as we have to heal deeply to understand the visions and symbols and harmonics and symptoms of the healing processes.

As we go deeper into the healing spheres the world around us begins to disappear and we begin to see more of the light and the illumination.

Different shapes and colours come into view , more vibrant and sharp, brightening and sharpening our vision. We are in the process of deepening our understanding about the stream of light and colours.

We see that we dip into this stream and with cupped hands we sip from the golden river of vibrant light. This light moves within us to enlighten us about our true purpose on Planet Earth . Leaving us awakened and thinking.

Healing hugs full of love and compassion. Love from the light district of karma and rebirth. “

“At present our body is undoubtedly the centre of our whole universe. We associate it with our self and our ego self. Let’s pledge to truly understand our limited time on Earth and heal all.”

Today you must meditate and  begin with healing and move ahead with the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.