Catch The Light!
“We all try different spiritual practices to make sure we are taking the right path.
We are all sharpening our sense of the fleeting nature of time and life.
We have to rise above the body consciousness . We have to help ourselves to raise our awareness of happiness and continue to understand that everything in nature is cyclic and hence the human mind does fluctuate.
Night brightens to dawn before once again becoming full daylight. We are all catching the light in our heart when we become aware of the energy within and surrounding our human body.
People often ask, “what is it you have that I want”? The answer is always the same. “You want the light of the Divine that I have in my heart and which surrounds me.”
Let me teach you how to meditate and you can experience it yourself.
Just connect to the heart, catch the light and share it with all. Share the presence of the Divine in your heart by never judging anyone.
Healing hugs of gratefulness. Love from the new level of enthusiasm.”

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