Channel And Live In The Great Light
“The rejoicing heart is awakening to something very valuable and spiritual, that leaves us all connecting more and more to the sparkling rays of light.”
“Compassion for the self and others is the best route to living in great light and illuminated vision that surrounds the self and all the others. Compassion helps us to purify the past negative harmonics of our soul imprint as well as the sounds of sorrow we carry within the heart. When there is a stop to negative thinking we are in fact stopping all disease control over our mind, body and emotions.
Extraordinary patterns of healing unfurl to protect us at the spiritual level when we heal deftly and immediately. We will experience again and again that we will get better and better in our healing work when we are sharing the light. When we are compassionate and act from the heart of the light, the atmosphere in and around us does and will be instantaneously charged with more energy. The spiritual dimension of love evolve from the deepest frontiers of a heart filled with compassion. Stay and heal on.
Healing hugs of extreme auspiciousness. Love from the frontiers of huge inspiration and happiness.”
“Awakens you to the creative thrust of new harmonics that live within the healing realms.”

As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again. Remember that you always channel and live in the great light.