Complete Consciousness
“Mindfully Meditative !”
“Knowing that we can return to the healing realm and with true complete consciousness heal again and again.
We have to connect to the wisdom of the heart and learn to be generous and spiritually gentle with the self.
When we connect to the sounds of the heart and listen endearingly,we are unfolding all that needs to be revealed.
We have to take the time to listen and receive all the guidance. In this process, in and with the oceans of generous light, we begin to offer the gratitude to the wisdom of the heart, and it is then that we receive more of the gifts of the light.
Every time we choose to look through the eyes of possibility and gratitude, we are more enlightened. Today let’s stay with the golden light and heal more.
Healing hugs of compassion and joy . Love from the healing realms of insightfulness”
“Crown Chakra Consciousness:
As we move ahead to enhance our emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and financial destiny, let’s focus our energy and attention on the goals of life we want to achieve. The crucial step is to get involved with this world because we are a part of this world. Heal on.

Meditate and heal with your complete consciousness. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.