Connecting Consciousness
“We are always connecting to the river of golden light flowing through the consciousness of the world and activating the pillar of light upon us, filled with gifts of auspiciousness for all souls in this world. Participate in this moment and share with others.”
“By merely focusing on the golden light flowing through our hearts and reigniting within us the emotion of immense gratefulness, we create an understanding that we are provided for, we are looked after and we are safe. The unwritten rules of gratefulness bring us to an individual realisation that we are fully supported by the energies of this world and other worlds.
The powerful abundance messages and requests we send out into the universe are always bringing us great returns, some so unexpected that we are unable to fathom where they come from and how much our life has changed. Since everything in our universe of healing is made of energy transference and allows us to transmit the positive and receive the abundant, we are continuously improving our thoughts and positive network transmissions.
When we tune into joy, bliss, compassion, gratefulness and happiness, then we are in a receptive position and receiving the same. Just heal and blissfully engage with the universe.
Healing hugs of starlight filling our aura with brightness. Love from the twinkling light empowering all the individuals of this world..”
“Stay happy with your family and friends with a wish for success, happiness and joy for all of them.”

Connecting consciousness to the heart of the light, heal on! Explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again. Stay in the blissful impermanence and keep healing.