Connections Between The Aura And Chakras
“Just healing!
Chakra- Highest Crown.
Colour – Platinum/ Gold/ Rainbow Colours.
Healing -Highest Divine Connection .“
“The core purpose of these messages from Divvya and me are to help you achieve your goals and understand the connections between the aura and chakras so that you can navigate your life experiences with respect and expertise.
It is very hard to unravel your life in the thickness of the crowd, just like being lost in the thick forest among the trees. It is imperative for you to stay connected to the river of healing and the grace flowing through your heart and enfold the light so that there is nothing to hide, as all is healed and healing.
Let us together stay in the light and heal, know that you are not alone. Know that you are supremely confident and connected at the highest crown chakra and to the heart of the light you are healing in. Every moment know that you are fully cherished by the light of the Divine.
Today you must challenge yourself, provoke the people around you to be healed, and simply forgive ; forgive yourself and others so that there is no regret.
Continue to be positive and calm and healing as you move to the next step of your spiritual path and exploring opportunities journey towards happiness.
Healing hugs of the deepest affection of the divine soul wisdom. Love from the rainbow realms .”
“The intentions are right, the affirmations divine, the attraction the same, the magnetism growing and the healing action sublime. Just stay and heal to relax and invite auspicious contentment into your aura and your destiny.”

Connections between the aura and chakras . As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.