Message Of The Day Destiny Unravels!
compassion__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Destiny Unravels!

“Life brings with it a continued unravelling of mistakes and difficulties which are diluted in the river of the healing presence of unconditional love and healing. People like to cut off other people’s heads to appear talker themselves.

Convincing themselves that others are inferior to them. Thinking that they have elevated their own stature in life. When we heal diligently we come to the stark reality that the true quality of people unravels when their inner consciousness is revealed.

Society and the people in it are always preparing to demolish others, but seldom understand that they are creating or coming from a mind filled with delusions. Healers come with much higher abilities , and extraordinary greatness to help others to traverse the bridges of unkindness and misfortune.

Retain your authentic nature of love and channel it to support others in the human form to gather support from the spiritual world. Use your body and mind and your spiritual nature to heal and achieve happiness.

This is the conscious goal of all humans, in the eternal return journey to remain in Divine Bliss, here and there.

Healing hugs of a higher state of consciousness. Love from accomplished intelligence.”


Today as you meditate and heal destiny unravels. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.