Message Of The Day Different Healing Practices
love_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Different Healing Practices


I often teach different healing practices to make sure that everyone of us , attuned to the light has the best methods in the consciousness and stands tall to experience and share the knowledge.

We must sharpen our senses to experience the sense of the fleeting nature of all of life. We must be prepared morally and spiritually to understand the consequences of our actions and ultimately free ourselves from repeated actions that do not help us to sustain the healing practice.

Our inner life must be kept a secret from others. We must silently continue to give birth to goodness from our heart and heal all situations that pop up in our lives.

Divine love is an active expression of healing leading us to divine bliss.

Stay in the realm of wellness and continue to heal on.

Healing hugs of divine generosity. Love from the core of our whole universe of healing.”

“NAVEL CHAKRA – spreading the generosity of the twinkling white light, move to a new level of consciousness to achieve greatness in the future.”

Today you must meditate on different healing practices and move ahead with the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.