Message Of The Day Discipline And Practice
toiling inner self__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Discipline And Practice


“The ringing temple bells, the sound of the alarm bell, the school gong resounding with sound of children running to class as the day begins are all harbingers  of discipline and practice.

There is a silent bell ringing in the heart of the witness self, reminding us to heal and move away from procrastinating behaviour.

Many of us hear it and some of us ignore it and most of us don’t even hear it. It is a very special time in the year when we hear the bells ringing in the church and Santa coming to deliver us our gifts of plenty.

Rejoice as the world is changing its mind and moving towards plentifulness and happiness.

Connect to the heart of healing and continue to grow spiritually.

Ring the bell of healing for others to hear their heart as you continue to heal.

Healing hugs of delight. Love from the ocean of endearment.”


“Leave no stone unturned in your quest for excellence. Love everyone. Stay centred in the light.”

Today as you meditate and heal, discipline and practice. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.