Emotional Recovery
“Meditate On : RECOVERY. The journey to a new and more meaningful life can be an emotional roller coaster. Let us examine our own experiences and meditate on what we have left undone in previous lifetimes and complete it in the now.”
“Body shivering and trembling can be an experience that many people feel during the course of their initiation by a Master or even activated by a spiritual experience. The discovery of this body experience comes from firstly understanding that our energy body is feeling something, or is letting go of some past life trauma.
The involuntary tremors can indicate that the chakras are being cleansed of all negative emotions and energies. It is seen that it is almost like some energy leaving the body downwards through the feet into Mother Earth or through the head into Father Sky in an upper movement.
The physical sensations can be linked to a kundalini awakening where the movement of the tremors is felt in the spinal cord, the 108 Chakras shining in the light of rejuvenation. This is where everything is recovered. The karma healed and the Akashic records rewritten.“
Healing hugs of divine serenity. Love from the heavenly spheres of celestial peace.”
Renooji/ Divvya
“We may feel completely lost, we may ask many questions, we may even have new found desire to find the spiritual answers, yet, primarily we must just heal on to know that we are on the right track.”

The emotional recovery occurs as we heal. So, as you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to heal again and again.