Message Of The Day Engaging With The Elements
compassion__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Engaging With The Elements

“Mindfully Meditative !”

“You may sit, recline, be aware, walk or engage in this meditation process of healing with the senses and engaging with the elements.

It is a generous and powerful way to align and absorb all the beautiful energies of our world and the Grace flowing through. Once you feel ready allow your awareness to land on the five elements.

Turn by turn.

Earth- feel your bones strengthening, the source energy of your body giving you strength. Connect to Mother Earth and allow  your spine to lengthen.

Air- notice your breath and the temperature of the air going through your body.

Fire- notice your body’s warmth and the feeling of the fire of digestion burning just above your navel.

Water- connect to the 70% liquid aspect of your body. Your blood flowing through your arteries and veins, carrying oxygen to every cell in your body.

Space- let your awareness open like the ocean and the field. There is a continuous presence of spaciousness, in which everything is contained.

Affirm”I am, earth , water, fire, air and space .”x seven times.

Healing hugs of generous attachment. Love from the shores of the golden light.”

“Crown Chakra Consciousness:
As we move ahead to enhance our emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and financial destiny, let’s focus our energy and attention on the goals of life we want to achieve. The crucial step is to get involved with this world because we are a part of this world. Heal on.”

Engaging with the elements. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.