Message Of The Day Equality And Sensitive Peace
light_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Equality And Sensitive Peace

Just healing!
Chakra- Navel
Colour – White/Pink.
Healing – The body and the elements.

“One is in a space of equality and sensitive peace. Tranquil in spirit to all the setbacks, shocks and difficulties.

This spiritual white light of the navel , leaves one in a space of equality , unmoved by any extremes of positive and negative thoughts. One sees the unfolding of life as though one is viewing the unfolding of the universe around us.

The spiritual light unfolding our spiritual consciousness and destiny. The truth of one’s soul is in sync with the unfolding of the heart of healing. The white lotus unfurling, connects us to our precious body. Slowly and surely we begin to act upon the healing process and heal diligently with our light in association with the Grace.

We all begin our lives with compassion and understanding for the others around us , giving one the ability to see the other’s point of view through the eyes of the others. Our spiritual life emerges with us in the womb of the Mother and the spirit of the family.

The collective consciousness of all the mothers present. Helping us to reunite with the whole.

Connect today to the triple time vision, the past, the present and the future. One is not seeking the results or the fruit.

Stay in the consciousness of being and doing the healing.

Healing hugs of fragrant white Jasmine.  Love from the Mother’s Womb.”

“The intentions are right, the affirmations divine, the attraction the same, the magnetism growing and the healing action sublime. Just stay and heal to relax and invite auspicious contentment into your aura and your destiny.”

Today you must meditate and heal equality and sensitive peace and move ahead with the healing light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.