Message Of The Day Explore The Future Of New Things
embrace__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Explore The Future Of New Things

“Happy Navratri!

Healing Enthusiasm!

Healing Chakras.

Be the light Frontiers.

Allow Love to spread.”

“When we work with Her personal energies, we begin to explore the future of new things.

We tend to take things for granted, and we discover that our body, our mind and our heart and life are all a part and parcel of the influences and conditions that are stored in our hearts and our subconscious mind.

Our karmic resonance, our stored history, our plans and our pains, along with our healing adventure, leaves us at the gates of our choice.

Which gate we open and walk into is our own personal choice. Memories of trauma and unhealed sounds and wounds leave us feeling unhappy and ready to heal more.

Today let’s heal to create a new symphony of life and love.

Healing hugs of informational light. Love from the subconscious heart light of the universe. “

“The healing soul depends on the heart of an harmonic resonance that is an individual sound that is our own personal signature coming down through lifetimes . A composition that is personal by Divine design. Let’s dip into this reservoir of knowledge.”

Explore the future of new things. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.