Message Of The Day Flowering Colours Of The Spiritual Worlds
limitless__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Flowering Colours Of The Spiritual Worlds


Believe in yourself. Just be honest with yourself and your loved ones! Stay ahead of the light and stay strong with the healing practice. “


Stay in the realm of the flowering colours of  the spiritual worlds descending into our heart as flowering lotuses of unique colours of the ocean and the sky.

Over the next 1 day of 2023 you will be able to transplant them into your spinal chakras to augment your essential spiritual energies. The lotuses finding their homes in the chakras, bringing with them the light of the ocean and the unique energies slowly begin to appear along your spinal column.

You are feeling charged with this light  of serenity and healing. Followed by a feeling of warmth and comfort, you feel enriched and loved, as you can feel more of the lotuses flowing out of your heart and being transplanted where they are needed the most.

Easing the light gently into all your chakras along with the lotuses leaves you with the feeling that all is well. You are feeling the warmth of love everywhere. You are feeling a quiet dignified power within your heart that empowers you with the light of immense happiness and joy.

Stay in the depth of your heart and know that all can be healed. Healing always begins and ends in this heart of compassion and courage.

Healing hugs of inner peace and blessings. Love from the creative ocean of the blue self. “

“Be in the golden light flowing through your heart and your spine and know that the sustenance and the sustainability of grace ; both come from the act of healing with conviction and gratefulness.”

Stay in the realm of the flowering colours of  the spiritual worlds. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.