Message Of The Day Free From Any Motive
resourceful__Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Free From Any Motive

“Heal this chakra-
Kidney chakras-“

“We have to heal without a personal motive, indeed free from any motive except that we are sharing the light of healing to remove the distress in all relationships.

Everyone has a motive of some kind; when we don’t state what our motives are, we are always looking for a benefit only for ourself.

As healers we must always look into the voice of the heart and the mind and the ego self to discern what we are doing and for which end purpose.

Especially what we are healing for the self. When we move ahead in life with ego enclosing attitudes, we are actually moving away from the tenets of healing. Is it any wonder then that many souls sometimes regress back to animal level and sometimes even lower?

In all honesty we must remain centred in the process of connecting and creating our positive destiny, and healing in surrender to heal all relationships in the now.

Healing hugs of distinguished blessings. Love from the zones of dignity and gratitude.”

“Here we continue the effort until we rise above the ego self and gallantly share the happiness of grace and gratitude with everyone. This point / chakra encourages all of us to keep moving upwards; towards the pure light.”

Today as you meditate on free from any motive. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.