Golden Light Of The Divine Presence
“Meditate On : Golden Light Of The Divine Presence!
Believe in yourself. Just be honest with yourself and your loved ones! Stay ahead of the light and stay strong with the healing practice. “
Stay in the realm of the golden light of the Divine Presence.
See that this Light is coming to us from the cosmic rivers flowing through our golden pyramid. Rest in the transformative power of love and light. Feel the pulsation of the forces of nature and the continuity of the river of life flowing endlessly.
Use the next 21 days of 2023 to live in this Light of glory. The awakening point of knowing about this light comes in the form of peace with calmness, stirring us to great delight in 2024 and beyond . With our minds and hearts complete in the knowing that these rivers of light flowing through us have an endless journey.
Our daily experiences of pleasure and pain, sorrow and happiness, activity and procrastination are all healed by this presence of the Light. When this energy lights up our external world, we move ahead with a grace that inspires us to do all our actions with higher wisdom and new intelligence. Our spiritual quest also begins to glow like this river of eternal light.
Our spiritual awareness and consciousness healed in the now and we are all beginning to move towards a new path for healing our life in the now. Just be patient with the Light Presence.
Healing hugs of inner peace and tranquility. Love from the heart of the spontaneous self. “
“Be in the golden light flowing through your heart and your spine and know that the sustenance and the sustainability of grace ; both come from the act of healing with conviction and gratefulness.”

Stay in the realm of the golden light of the Divine Presence. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again. And begin to heal differently.