Growing In All The Realms
Introspect and accept.
Healing is always in the now. We all co create our world. We need to understand the story of our desires. Why do we want what we want? Does it come from the desire to do for others or to satisfy our own needs.“
“The worthy recipients of the light of healing are slowly and surely growing in all the realms of the flowering lights.
Once we all ignite the feelings of love and compassion in our hearts for all the others, we are healing into the Source and out of the Source. There are no barriers and there are no restrictions.
Once we acknowledge that we are all joined to the same place of love and light, we all begin to connect with each other more spontaneously. As we experience this circle of love, we are free of any tightness and pain, any feelings of loneliness and abandonment.
All difficulties of life are met with the healing light of compassion and gentleness. All is healed from the root of the heart of loving kindness and all stagnation is diluted and expelled out of the chakras and the aura.
This is when we once again appreciate our eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin, as they are the harbingers of messages , information and protection.
Stay in the light and heal. Know that all can be healed right now.
Healing hugs of co creating our reality. Love from the zones of consistent expressions of the healing realms. “
“Once we understand our own story, we develop meaning in our life and healing others we move ahead. Our world view and our value system keep us healing all that we see, touch, hear, smell and taste.”

Today as you meditate growing in all the realms. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.