Message Of The Day Heal All The Grieving
oneness_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Heal All The Grieving


“How beautiful life can be when we can heal all the grieving over our earthly losses and direct our love and healing for the welfare of the others and in the process directly experience the spiritual realms of true light presence.

We must understand the language of healing with love when we experience that every pain is a blessing to awaken us to prayer and our healing connection getting strengthened. The divine healing light always reciprocates , as often as we call upon the light.

Whenever we desire it. Our healing requests are granted and in the process we are transformed. Many of us have travelled through many life forms and bodies.

Many of us have the light awakened and effulgent in our heart and always readily channeling it to other hearts.

The light always promising us that whenever we remember, whenever we desire, it will appear in our heart and hands to illuminate our destiny.

Healing hugs of great light. Love from the ocean of memory.”

“LIVER AND GALLBLADDER CHAKRA- the pale green and gold light inviting the twinkling star light to remove the veil of darkness that separates me from YOU.

Today as you meditate and heal all the grieving and move ahead. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.