Message Of The Day Heal The Stress Ridden Mind
holding_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Heal The Stress Ridden Mind

“The rejoicing heart is learning and teaching the truth of great effulgence of inner knowledge, that leaves us all connecting more and more to the comprehensive and spiritually enabled light.”

“Like a machine gun the anxiety and stress ridden mind continues to fire one negative thought after another. Why am I not liked by people? Why did I say that, I really did not mean it, did I?

These questions hound us and we in effect begin to lose our confidence and our emotions become entangled with doubt and dismay. When we reach out for someone to understand us and help us, we become frail and weak and begin to lose more of our will power and our energy. We move away from our comfort circle of protection and our energy circle further weakens and darkens. When we remain centred in the healing light in any and all situations; we have the opportunity to find strength, acceptance, love and support.

When we heal with an open heart, we begin to attract people towards us who will honour appreciate and respect who we are. We must heal to remain connected to our centre of self love, leaving us free to decide who we want to leave behind and ignore and which are those relationships that we want to cultivate. Today, let’s come back to our healed self and decide all the new actions we need to implement to make the changes we know we must. Heal all in the now.

Healing hugs of a responsive heart. Love from the frontiers of light, power, friendliness and fun”


“Awakens us to a new reality and we begin to feel blessed within the healing realms.”

As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again. And heal the stress ridden mind.