Healing Are A Birthright
The power of now!
“We have to always remain connected to the knowledge month after month that enlightenment and healing are a birthright of every human being.
We hold in our heart a deep edge of enlightenment to seek the light on a daily, weekly and monthly basis year after year to become more aware of the river of golden light that flows through us. Lasting happiness comes from a state of compassion and healing the self with all the others.
We must understand that we can only be healed when we have healed all the other parts of ourself and all around us. As we heal we are opening the portal of being awakened to the wisdom within the heart, all the ignorance dissipated and all the wisdom resurrected with the highest potential of enlightenment within reach.
At the heart we all knowingly or unknowingly live with the certainty that there is a fundamental truth, that this life is a sacred opportunity to evolve and realise our spiritual strength and purpose of healing and a healed inner self.
As we discover our deep and lasting friendship with The Divine, we begin in earnest to walk the spiritual path.
Healing hugs of unity with the presence of purity and imagination in the now. Love from the Heart of Sacred Opportunities.”
“Generous is the universe.
Loving is the heart.
Precious is the breath.
Beautiful is this life.
Acknowledge we must , this moment.”

Today as you meditate and heal, healing are a birthright, just flow in the light. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.