Healing Each Other
“Heal this chakra-
Kundalini Chakra- “
“We are all close friends, healing each other and knowing that the gifts of the light are healing us all in this process of life.
We need to do a lot of thinking and search in the process for that one true purpose of this life. Healing influences the journey of this life and the past and the future sufficiently to help us claim our original destiny. With greater understanding and spiritual insight, we all journey to the healing point .
Continued progress with balance takes us to the mountain peak , where the real world needs us to heal more. We are all giants with the light in our hearts, strong and shining, we are good and ready to fight for the light. Interestingly, all of you have been here before and done what you are doing now.
Only this time we are more aligned with the right action in the right time under the light of love in all circumstances of life. Become more aware of your spiritual inheritance and continue your journey towards happiness.
. Healing hugs of liberation. Love from the ocean of enlightenment.”
“The cosmic play of the travelling souls continues, the souls travelling to the infinite river for final liberation. Seeking and searching and finding the light.”
Healing each other. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.