Healing Is Happiness
“Our mission in the year ahead is to find inner happiness and be resplendent in the light, living on, to create a majestic presence that heals everything and anything.”
“Happiness is actually the most talked about universal emotion that everyone wants to experience. Staying in the zones of the heart, many healers the world over, are centred in this light of gliding and glowing happiness -that bridges the gap between joy and bliss. It is important to vibrate at the frequency of what we are seeking to be connected to the universal heart of happiness. We are always sending messages to the universe of what are our priorities. The law of inspired action with happiness in our hearts is what will bring us strength to take those actionable steps in the right direction. We must slow down, settle down, become quiet and create space for internal guidance. This conversation within the intuitive heart will always bring happiness to all those around us as well. Stay in this realm and heal on.
Healing hugs of great happiness. Love from the oceans of happiness.”
“Are fully breathing in the vibrational harmonics and delivering the light to one and all in the now. Stay in this moment. Chant ‘OM’ three times and receive the light in your spine.”

Heal and breathe in happiness from the healing light. As you stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, explore the Message Of The Day Archive to connect again and again.