Message Of The Day Healing Resolves Conflict
peaceful_Message Of The Day By Renooji and Divvya

Healing Resolves Conflict

MEDITATION : Resolve conflict and move ahead. (Navel Chakra)

“Listen to the sounds of the universe and connect to the sounds of creation in the inner heart. Know that you are very strong, positive and grateful in all your interactions.”

“As you begin to read this message, I invite you to suspend all you know to be in true reality and connect to the white light at the centre of your navel and the activation of the five elements of air, water, fire, earth and space. To reach beyond the physical body, start travelling into the white lotus of your navel and rest in the womb of your mother.

Take a few moments to be filled with gratitude and generosity towards the moment of your birth. Glimpse a reality of greater splendour and joy, becoming more and more positive and calm, comfortable and relaxed, know that you are harmonious in this moment with the world around you.

The fragrance of the world, the sunny bright light, the solid earth, the taste and the melodious sounds touching your heart and soul are looking to intimately heal you in togetherness. Something appears overhead and you see a brilliant presence of platinum and gold light. As your thoughts clear and your eyes are sparkling and the sparkling light descends, at times the milky and opaque light descends and pours over you and around you.

You see your body as a clear vessel of splendid light. There is a feeling of deep security and massive total possibilities and an appearance of sublime wellness. As you invite the light into your navel chakra, you feel more rejuvenated and healing and willingly sharing the light.

Stay in the moment and heal. Healing hugs filled with higher power. 

Healing hugs filled with higher power. Love from the sphere of inner wisdom and creativity.”

“Leave no stone unturned in your quest for excellence. Love everyone. Stay centred in the light.”

Today as you meditate the healing resolves conflict and you move ahead. Stay connected with the daily healing messages from our hearts to yours, exploring the Message Of The Day Archive.